7 Solid Ways to Avoid Acne!

By Unknown - April 04, 2015

Hello buddies,
Hope you all are having a blast! In today's post I will be showing you ways in which you can avoid Acne. So keep reading to know more!


For a start, acne happens due to many reasons, after reading this you can figure out which of the reasons is the cause for your acne.

1. Hormonal: This type of acne should be feared from. These come to you in your teenage years, for guys and girls both. Few little precaution and care can stop them from becoming more and more.


1. Smoking: If not cigarette once in a while smoking sheesha or "hookha"can be not only hazardous to your health but also your skin. So completely stop smoking if you want a clear skin.

2. Oil free Products: Stay away from products which have the words like moisturizing, or which writes for 'Dry skin' type of products. You do not want any more oil than the one you already have. But a moisturizer for your skin type should be used with clean hands. You have to use only oil free products.

3. Hair Products: Keep you hair products away from your face, make sure your hairspray, hair mousse, etc don't accidentally come in contact with your skin. This is also a big reason for acne.

4. Use Make up tools: Yes easy to understand, use makeup brushes and not your fingers, in short avoid touching our face with your hands as much as possible as you may transfer bacteria.

5. Sleep on your back: Sleeping side ways on your face transfers all the bacteria from your pillow to your face. So sleep on your back. Plus always wash your sheets and pillow case every two to three days.

6. Food: Avoid eating chocolates, sodas, and even fried item more often. Eating these occasionally is ok, but living on these would be a heavy fee to pay for your skin. Notice how our grand parents have a much cleaner and smoother skin than us? That's because of their healthy eating habit. As they say...You are what you eat!

7. Stress: Last but not least, stress plays a very important role in keeping acne away. Your sleep cycle as well as your daily habits become a havoc and thus causes you acne. So be calm and don't try to be in control always, you know happiness comes when we let go of things and let fate take over the stirring wheel.

 Smile because you can!

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