Hair Loss???...No More!

By Unknown - August 03, 2014

Hey Sugaries,
I hope you all are doing great! Sorry for my lack of posting within the past week but I will try my best to post regularly now. From past few weeks I actually got many requests on doing some posts regarding hair issues. Now in this post I will show you how to fight hair loss,( this could be due to hardness of water, or change in water, age or just changing your shampoo) followed by how to reduce the appearance of dandruff! Hope you enjoy!

For this you will need:
1 cup of Neem leaves (Azadirachta Indica in English)
4 cups of water 

Boil your four cups of water, add in your Neem leaves cover the pot and turn off the flame. Let the Neem leaves rest in this hot water. Drain the Neem leaves and leave the water to cool. Now just pour this water on your scalp when its luke warm so that your pores open and absorbs this. Follow this with your regular shampoo and conditioner. 

P.S: This is additional but if you are suffering from dandruff, you can cut half a lemon and rub this on your scalp every one hour before taking a bath. Then simply rinse it off! Results can be seen within one to two weeks if used regularly. 

I hope you found this post helpful and if you did please share and have a good day ahead! :)

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